Our Family History
A Blessed Legacy
Welcome to ErickEricksons.com, Our Place for Family. This is our online space for our family history, archives, and genealogy, as well as reunions and family events. A limited portion of this site will be public, but the majority content will be private for family member access only. Thank you for visiting.
A Brief History
A Brief History
Erick Erickson is the patriarch of the 10 lines of his offspring who are spread across the United States. Erick, along side his parents and siblings, all finally homesteaded in Montana after their immigration to the United States in the latter 19th century from Norway.
Over the subsequent decades, we have researched, acquired, and collected an extensive archive of our family history of which we would like to share some with you here, and more importantly, make all of it available to our extensive family members. Many of our family members are interested in genealogy & family research, and have put in countless hours in research, as well as physically traveling to locations and scouring through documents & records. To date we have traced our records back to 1585. Interested & passionate family members continue to research our family history to this day.

A Challenging Project
The idea to publish our family story on the internet was born at one of our quinquennial family reunions in 2011. After years of thought and life's happenings, the extended family of our original 10 lines will finally have a place for photos, genealogy, stories, events, documents, and our extensive history. This will be an ongoing and expanding project as we continue to make this a comprehensive resource and archive for our family members to learn from and enjoy.

Contact Us
Please contact us for any questions, concerns, or any other inquiry. Feel free to email: